Energy-efficient swimming pool pumps should be encoraged to savemoney, but it's important to get the right pump for your pool. A two-speed pump has combined features i.e. high speed and a low speed working together to maintain pool. The high speed is used for demanding conditions and periodic needs. With the low-speed mode, 75% energy savings can be made during normal operation.
Swimming pool water filtration is the heart of water care system. Depending on the size and style of the filter selected, we can achieve energy savings and improved water clarity by reducing the time and energy our pump must exert to cycle the entire body of water in the pool during a 12-hour period.We can save energy and time by selecting a larger filter versus a standard filter size. A larger filter provides more filtration area, thus reducing backpressure buildup over time, and strain on your pump. ▪A larger filter can extend the periodic maintenance cycle, thus saving the homeowner valuable time. The most popular styles of filtration are:
Sand Value priced filter choice
Good water clarity overall Cartridge:no backwashing required.
Swimming pool heaters are complimentary additional equipment to be considered,CPP heaters are among the most efficient in the industry and offer models to meet heating needs: H series Electronic Ignition
▪ High efficiency: 80 to 82 percent ▪
No pilot light , Electronic Spark Ignition for reliable and smooth starts
While choosing swimming pool heaters take the one with high coefficient of performance(COP),COP between 6-9 gives satisfactory efficiency above 95%.
While selecting pool cleaners one should always select suction powered cleaner than pressure
cleaner to save money and energy requirements.
For conserving energy, run pool's filtration system only during off-peak hours. When leaving for vacation for more than a week, turning off the pool heater, including the pilot light is good idea.If you use your pool only on weekends, reduce your heater thermostats settings by eight to ten degrees during the week. Use fencing, hedges or other landscaping, or cabanas to shelter pool from prevailing winds. When reopening your pool for a new season, make sure your pump and filter are working properly before adding chemicals to the water. ▪If pool heater is more than five years old, it is good to renew or buy a new one. To obtain maximum filtration and energy efficiency, backwash or clean your filter regularly, as required.Cleaning directions are always given when buying filters.