Tuesday, November 24, 2009

how to get swimmers body without swimming

How to get a Swimmers Body: Is it as simple as swimming a lot? What you need to do to get a swimmers body.A completely original Nutrition Guide, Weight and Cardio Program for men who want the attractive proportions of The Swimmers Body shape. http;//204234.swim1st.hop.clickbank.net
A classic swimmers shape is often described as a V-shape back, broad shoulders, defined abdominals and an overall toned shape. How you get a swimmers shape depends on how long you can spend working out.Often it is consisered how to get the V-shape body.
Is it as simple as swimming a lot?If you are under 10 and genetically gifted, maybe. Male professional swimmers will spend 4 – 6 hours a day in the pool plus do other dry land work with resistance (weights) and cardiovascular training. Their shape will have developed as their testosterone was pumping in their formative early teenage years.
The fastest way to get a swimmers bodyJust swimming is NOT the best way to get a swimmers body! Shape advancement depends on challenging the muscles with resistance to make them grow bigger.
Using the right type of exercises you can increase muscle in key areas using resistance training (weights). Unless you are doing hours each day in the pool, you will only get limited muscle growth as you need to increase the resistance to further stimulate growth.

Swimming is a great form of cardiovascular exercise but it will only develop the pull muscles. This leads to injuries and the body becoming unbalanced. Professional swimmers will ensure they develop their push muscles with weight training. The best way to get a swimmers body for is using weights as your primary means of increasing lean muscle through resistance training.

To reveal the muscle you must reduce the covering layer of subcutaneous fat. To get the perfect swimmers body you should be aiming for no more than 12% body fat. Cardiovascular exercise like swimming or rowing will reduce the fat if combined with the right nutrition. Nutrition is also the key to accelerating muscle growth.
How to get an amazing body is as simple as increasing muscle and reducing fat. But this must be taken a step further if you want the shape of an athletic swimmer as opposed to just being muscle bound. You must have a clear goal of what overall shape you are aiming for as it is the proportions of toned muscle that makes the attractive shape of The Swimmers Body

Personal trainer and nutritional coach Keith Tucker explains how to get a swimmers physique…
What is a swimmers physique?
Broad shoulders, the classic V-shape, defined abdominals, in proportion but muscular powerful arms and the overall appearance of having a toned sportsman-like physique. The “perfect” swimmers body will have a low body fat percentage of about 12% to show definition, but not into low single figures where every vein is showing like a long distance runner or cyclist.

The swimmers build is also a very different look to a body builder. It is the “high level of muscle tone with a lack of bulk” (defined by wisegeek.com) that women and gay men find universally attractive.
How much swimming do I need to do?
It is up to you! Just swimming is not the most effective way of getting a swimmers body. It should be seen as a great cardiovascular exercise. However, swimming is not an effective way to add muscle. The resistance is too low to develop muscle for anyone above the early teenage years where testosterone levels shape their body. It will help tone your overall shape but it only uses your pull muscles so professional swimmers use weights for their push muscles otherwise their results plateau.

What is the fastest way to get a swimmers physique?
If you want a swimmers body shape (rather than being a great swimmer), you should concentrate on weight training to get the “high level of muscle tone”. This should be combined with interval training cardio exercise. Swimming is a great example, but you do not have to swim to get a swimmers body! You can use a rowing machine, run, or a combination, as long as you do interval training.

How long will it take?
Results will be accelerated with the right nutrition. Do not try and copy professional swimmers who eat 5 to 6,000 calories a day. This is because they spend 4 to 6 hours a day in the pool and swimming is know to increase appetite. Work out your target daily calorie intake and then select nutritious muscle building foods with regular meals of lean proteins and complex carbohydrates. If you getSome people understand nutrition better than others. Everyone starts at different levels of fitness. Some can workout more often than others. There are many different factors involved so I cannot put a general timescale on how long it will take. However, using the advice in this article you will get there faster than just swimming regularly.
How do I make sure it is a swimmers physique and not just bulky?
Using weights to build muscle and interval cardio training to reduce body fat is not a new idea. Personal trainers like me have been creating programs for clients for years. Advances in nutrition mean that we can get there faster than ever. But where “there” is needs to be a clear goal. This will get you an amazing body but to have a swimmers body it must be “with a lack of bulk”. Measuring your progress and your proportions is the key. Do not fall into the trap of having massive arms and shoulders that look out of proportion to the rest of the body. Plan your workouts and nutrition with a clear goal in mind and you can achieve the classic swimmers physique.

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