Friday, November 27, 2009

Swimming pool construction process

Many may wonder especially children about the steps needed to put things into order for a well built swimming pool.Well, the basic procedures can be listed as follows:
1.Initially, the desired pond area is selected.
2.Placing filters and skimmers is next step.
3.Plumbing work comes next wherby essential plumbing layout is made.

4.Connecting filter is our next step.
5.The main step is then digging

6.Installing liner and underlayment is the next thing.
7.Connect skimmer.

8.Place needed stones and placing underwater light
9.Washing stones and then filling pond.
10.Building water streams
11.Build remaining wall and test waterfall and streams.
12.Trimming the liner and cleanup is next vital step.
13.Cleanup i.e. turbulence and bacteria cleanup.

The other components like heater can be added later after all those manuals.

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